For Burns' Night, three very short videos have been put on the channel. Basically just recitals. I avoided the usual suspects to make it a bit more interesting.
We have a final video ready for Hamlet , but our editing machine, AKA the Family Mac, has finally packed in after seven years. Time for a family Xmas pressie...
Rather a cryptic title, I know, but it's just to say that the videos on characterisation and plot for Macbeth are both up on my Youtube Channel, and will be joined tomorrow evening by a third, on context. I'm now working on the usual trilogy of videos for the next play, which will be Romeo and Juliet ; chracterisation is already written for that one, and I'm part of the way through the one on plot. Once I've finished that one we will probably record the videos. It would be good to get to a regular schedule of a video being released every Sunday evening. The play after that will be A Midsummer Night's Dream. It was on my list of must-do plays anyway, but I have also received a couple of requests for this one.
The video on the plot of A Midsummer Night's Dream is due to go live this afternoon, and we are ready to film and edit those on context and characterisation for this play. Until now we have released the video on characterisation first from the group of three on each play, but we have changed our minds for this one., The reason for this is its structural complexity; it's easier to understand the the interaction of the characters once you know what happens.
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